According to the material of the website “” national deputy of Ukraine and secretary of the Verkhovna Rada’s Committee under the questions of national safe and defence Mr. Sergey Kaplin addressed a request to
“Lift Expert” draws attention on the fact that there was a conference between mayoralty and head of State Service of Mines Inspectorate and Industry Safety in Poltava region.
According to direction of the State Committee for Property Affairs of Belarus (№ 284 dated 29.12.2012) RUE «Mogilevliftmash» does not longer exist. After restructuring and the creation of powerful holding, which includes several companies that deal with the lift industry, it was registered a new
According to an official website of the company on 29th January
The editorial staff of «Lift Expert» is pleased to announce, that the founder of publication Trade House «Sunset» is an official trade and service center of production «Mogilev works of lift machinery» in our country.
Concerning the cost, delivery, installation and warranty service of lifts you can contact the company «Sunset» by the phone number: