Earlier in the previous posts “Lift Expert” wrote about possibility to install and actively use card readers in the lift industry. However, today in the lights of events in Zhitomir we’d like to raise the same issue again.
The officials took into account the fact that those people who have got facilities can’t actually use them, hence they developed the project “About taking measures to change lift maintenance in housing of Zhitomir Tower Council”.
Ad hoc commission of deputies and housing representatives was investigating current situation. After long negotiations they’ve come to the conclusion that this choice (whether to use card readers or not) should be made by people who live in this or that condominium in particular.
Gennadiy Zubko, a member of Parliament, has informed the media that he declared cancellation of cards in his election campaign and he’s happy that a fraction has managed to regulate and realize at least half of the assigned tasks.
However, the question is, what will such disassembly of technical equipment result in regarding the lift industry?
On one hand, the cost of a single card is
Vladimir Deboy, the Mayor of the city, says that a decision should be made by the citizens. There are many advantages and disadvantages of using card readers, thus, he leaves making this choice to people.
According to the portal “Lviv Express”, lifts of Lviv are going to be maintained by a
a special utility company. Yuriy Golets, the Head of Tower Council has made an official announcement that one of subdivisions of the enterprise “Lvivsvet” is going to resume work after its restructuring in the nearest future.
It’s preliminarily planned to hire more than
Yuriy Golets says that a new utility company will replace all private companies.
According to the information released by online edition “20 minutes”, on the 27th of March a young man fell a victim to an
Journalists of “Lift Expert” magazine report that a man is seriously injured. Doctors have diagnosed traumatic brain injury, abdominal injury and fracture of the pelvis.
In the meantime territorial administration has created a special commission to investigate this case.
According to data of “Interfax Ukraine” Dnepropetrovsk Metro administration plans to continue to build their main branch using the funds collected from European Reconstruction and Development Bank. Victor Sergeev, an Advisor to the Chairman of public administration in Dnepropetrovsk region has reported that building works will start in the second half. Currently metro administration holds a contest between local administrations to find the one that would take on this project. According to the plan, future contractors will be using modern technologies, shield tunneling in particular, that can speed up the run of tunnels. However, considering soil peculiarities, one of the enterprises that will definitely be involved in this project is going to be “Dneprometrostroy” which specializes in blasting.
“Lift Expert” with an editorial office in Dnepropetrovsk reports that this week
Dmitry Kolesnikov, a Chairman of Regional public administration, gave his colleagues instructions regarding searching for investors and obligees.
A communal enterprise “Kharkovgorlift” has launched a pilot project of automatical system for condominiums. Engineers have spoken with journalists from local TV channels and told them about the novelties.
A new system is called “a smart staircase” and consists of numerous massive iron doors, modernized intercom, automatic dimmer and lift management system.
Petr Lazarenko, a designer of this system, pointed out that “a smart staircase” has got several useful functions.
Anatolii Kandaurov, a head of a communal enterprise “Kharkovgorlift” has reported that designers are working on functionality improvements of “a smart staircase”.
No one is ready to predict the consequences of such overload.
Today, according to the official data of online edition “Odessit.ua”, a woman of