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platniy liftEarlier in the previous posts “Lift Expert” wrote about possibility to install and actively use card readers in the lift industry. However, today in the lights of events in Zhitomir we’d like to raise the same issue again. Lift workers seriously consider an idea to install new equipment in their lifts.

In 2000 a big number of elevators were not put into operation because of the debt for the utilities. At the time, card readers became a solution and literally saved lift industry from devastation. Gradually all hoists and lifts were restored and the conflict with citizens of the city was resolved. Nevertheless, representatives of the opposition fraction “Front of changes” demanded to come back to the payment scheme that had been used to pay for technical lift maintenance services before. To put it another way, they demanded to stop using card readers and come back to a basic rate that would be included in the pay rent.

The officials took into account the fact that those people who have got facilities can’t actually use them, hence they developed the project “About taking measures to change lift maintenance in housing of Zhitomir Tower Council”.

Ad hoc commission of deputies and housing representatives was investigating current situation. After long negotiations they’ve come to the conclusion that this choice (whether to use card readers or not) should be made by people who live in this or that condominium in particular.

Gennadiy Zubko, a member of Parliament,  has informed the media that he declared cancellation of cards in his election campaign and he’s happy that a fraction has managed to regulate and realize at least half of the assigned tasks.

However, the question is, what will such disassembly of technical equipment result in regarding the lift industry? By far, it’s not easy to give an answer. Two years down the road, Gennadiy Zubko pointed out that return to the previous payment scheme won’t be beneficial for everybody.

On one hand, the cost of a single card is 25 hryvnia (100 trips). If a resident of the house uses this card in a rational way, he or she can easily travel by lift for a month and a half or so. On the other hand, those families which consist of four or more members will have to pay minimum 100 hryvnia each month, which is 2,5 the price of a basic rate.

Vladimir Deboy, the Mayor of the city, says that a decision should be made by the citizens. There are many advantages and disadvantages of using card readers, thus, he leaves making this choice to people. To read more about this topic, read the next issue of “Lift Expert”!


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