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A maniac in the lift

maniakCrimes in lifts happen more and more frequently in the present days. All missed calls that have been directed towards law enforcement authorities eventually turn into a real hubbub and require more advertence to security conditions. None can be sure in his or her safeness while walking into the lift.

Information agency “RegioNews” broke the news according to which on the 9th of March militsiya department of Kremenchug city was informed about an unprecedented rape. A case took place in a condominium of district Molodezhnyi. A maniac followed a girl to the lift and raped her there threatening with a knife. It was already the second case in the last few weeks in Kremenchug city. A month ago militsiya held an offender who was suspected in five cases of rape. Considering such crime rate, it’s important to take all possible measures to protect yourself. You shouldn’t  walk in the lift with unknown people. Before actually walking into the lift, it’s important to make sure that there’s nobody in the porch who looks suspicious.


Published in Ukrainian news

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