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prokykatyra   As “Lift Press” reported, in the result of staff's inspection in Federal accreditation service, the violation of businessmen rights was found.
    Contrary to current legislation, the inspection was carried out by some managers instead of specialists from The Russian accreditation. In spite of the fact that such organizations have no competence in controlling and evaluating, they have charged certain pay for the service. According to this situation, General public prosecution of Russia has applied to Minister of Economy to form common legal act base. The last one could regulate relationship between businessmen and the Russian accreditation.

   In the Ministry an urgent conference was conducted, where the decision of new methods implementation for identification accreditation service and payment plan was made. Furthermore, The Ministry of Economy gave exact instructions about differentiation between inspective and governmental control.

    It is known nowadays, Russian Ministry is occupied with optimization the legal act documentation, which regulates the accreditation and governmental process.
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