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Inadvertence became a cause of death

policiya“RIA News” reports the death of a man who died in one of the lifts of Russia on the 9th of April. Residents of the condominium from Kulakova Street contacted militsiya office to report about the corpse of a dead man found in the lift pit. According to preliminary information a man used to be provide technical maintenance works of the lifts. That day a mechanic did his usual job. The cause of the death became his inadvertence. He fell into right into the pit and died at the scene. Militsiya officials don’t give the details on the case and their further actions.

“Lift Expert” reminds about accident prevention when using a lift.


Published in World news

lift 001According to the portal “Lviv Express”, lifts of Lviv are going to be maintained by a

a special utility company. Yuriy Golets, the Head of Tower Council has made an official announcement that one of subdivisions of the enterprise “Lvivsvet” is going to resume work after its restructuring in the nearest future. He will be a responsible person to monitor technical maintenance and all repairing works of hoisting cranes. Local deputies have allocated a budget of 3 billion dollars to invest in works of mechanics and lift industry on the whole. They are going to train the staff, reconstruct the workshop and purchase new equipment.

It’s preliminarily planned to hire more than 50 employees. The enterprise will send young electromechanics to Kiev so that they can take working practices. The Tower Council has allocated 3,000 hryvnias for this educational project.

Yuriy Golets says that a new utility company will replace all private companies. It will start to maintain lifts from the 1st of July, 2013. A crew of mechanics will have rebuilt seven hoists by the 1st of September, 2013. It’s got to be mentioned that more than 1,500 lift of Lviv have already expired their normative term of operation.  


Published in Ukrainian news

A maniac in the lift

maniakCrimes in lifts happen more and more frequently in the present days. All missed calls that have been directed towards law enforcement authorities eventually turn into a real hubbub and require more advertence to security conditions. None can be sure in his or her safeness while walking into the lift.

Information agency “RegioNews” broke the news according to which on the 9th of March militsiya department of Kremenchug city was informed about an unprecedented rape. A case took place in a condominium of district Molodezhnyi. A maniac followed a girl to the lift and raped her there threatening with a knife. It was already the second case in the last few weeks in Kremenchug city. A month ago militsiya held an offender who was suspected in five cases of rape. Considering such crime rate, it’s important to take all possible measures to protect yourself. You shouldn’t  walk in the lift with unknown people. Before actually walking into the lift, it’s important to make sure that there’s nobody in the porch who looks suspicious.


Published in Ukrainian news

osmd lyckThese news has been released by representatives of Volyn Mass Media who attended a meeting of Lutsk condominium alliance of managers and regional administration staff. Residents of houses announced that they’d collected their own money to get lifts and surveillance cameras installed. They believe, these measures will help them to provide security to their houses. Video surveillance cameras can not just track malefactors who steal costly lift parts but also deter street hooligans who litter up lift cabins.

Earlier the Magazine “Lift Expert” published an interview with Yulia Sabatiuk, a manager director of Lutsk condominium alliance who is managing all issues with regards to housing and communal services in Volyn. She told our readers in details about system of crediting in house and communal service industry. Let us remind, last year citizens of Lutsk received a loan of 3,7 mln hryvnia to have their lifts repaired. After all modernization works were done, they decided to set video surveillance cameras in porches and lift cabins. In the interview Yulia Sabatiuk told us that people gave their own money to purchase video tracking systems. Unfortunately, as it’s become known, regional administration of Lutsk in not going to invest in development of condominiums this year. Hence, it’s been decided to organize annual meetings for managers so that they can share their own experience and practices.

Preliminary it’s decided that the next meeting is going to be hold in April. However, the place is not known yet. Read the news on the official website of the magazine “Lift Expert” and be aware of the latest updates.


Published in Ukrainian news

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