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poltava   According to the material of the website “” national deputy of Ukraine and secretary of the Verkhovna Rada’s Committee under the questions of national safe and defence Mr. Sergey Kaplin addressed a request to prime-minister. He asked for means from the government budget in oder to repair and modernize lifts in Poltava. As it was said in his official appeal, citizens were writing the complains of the inactivity of local authorities concerning lift operation. People who live in multistory buildings are afraid to use lifts. Sergey Kaplin said that according the preliminary estimate of territorial administration of State Service of Mines Inspectorate and Industry Safety in Poltava region only 10% of lifts with the period of maintenance more than 25 years had passed technical inspection. There are expert conclusions only on 22 lifts.
   “Lift Expert” draws attention on the fact that there was a conference between mayoralty and head of State Service of Mines Inspectorate and Industry Safety in Poltava region. They were discussing the fact that expert estimation should be passed by not less than 200 lifts that had served their time.

Published in Ukrainian news

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